
May 23, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago

It's really to bad you cant see the stats of there age online cause i just bought 2 mossms that cost me about 10000 lindens and there ages werent even over 2 weeks and they cant breed cause there all used up...if i would have know this i would have never bought they but i will welcome them with love....

Little Lelou Bender
May 23, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago

I am pretty sure you can see their stats online including their age and how much OOMPH they have left. Have you considered IMing the buyer and asking if they would let you return them?

May 23, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago

i think they working on that... (showing stats for buyers)
or atleast a link to view the page

tech someone could breed all 10 babies at day 5 XD so age is irrelevant mine could be 2 years and unbreed at all (i got faith these will actually still be around that long ^^ )

Andreaus Beck
May 24, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago

on this i agree with rainnny i almost bought a black one for 6k and thought hmmm this is cheap so i went on the website and looked at the achievements page for people who had got the black ones the owner was there and i looked at their mossms and sure enough there were no breedings left, i do get bored when buying on the markets flicking back and forth from sl to fiefox, but if your unsure when buying a live mossm that has no link to any info my advice is contact the owner or steer clear, sellers could make it a little easier for us by putting up a sign saying zero breedings left, :)

May 24, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago

Andreaus, good to see you again!

Zermit is correct, we are working on seeing stats in-world. It will go out with our first Mossm update which will also include some more avatar interactions. YAY! I don't have a date yet but we are working on it.

Zev Luv
May 24, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago

That is rather sad the owner of the mossm would let it be for sale as is knowing that the buyer might not look at the page : ( I actually debated buying one that was live.. and a colour I like.. and tried to look the page by filling in the avatar name in right spot and thier page was one hidden from view.. so I of course did not buy the mossm.

May 24, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago
Edited 11 years, 9 months ago by Progenitor

Mossms purchased in cryo or at auction don't have this issue, and we've already done the changes needed for doing this for live mossms, but need to release that with the mossm update before you can use it.

Regarding what Zev was saying:

I actually debated buying one that was live.. and a colour I like.. and tried to look the page by filling in the avatar name in right spot and thier page was one hidden from view

You somehow had a typo in the name of the URL/webpage then. Even when a player has their privacy setting to hide their list of mossms, the pages for individual mossms still work and cannot be disabled-- for exactly this reason.

So I might be able to hide from you, but I cannot hide from you.

May 24, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago

make sure you are using their real name and not their display name. Even though our display names show up on achievements, its the legacy SL name that works in the URL.

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