Oh Another Suggestion -Aeo

July 1, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago
Edited 10 years, 7 months ago by ᴀᴇoɴ.ɴ.ʀᴏмᴇʀᴏ

Now this is Just an Idea i had the other day
I noticed people host Breeding parties to allow new Dna into your own mossm family.
honestly i think this is amazing a great way to have the community come together and spice things up
but after thinking on the topic i realized this also does come with the risk of being scammed or stolen from
But i was thinking about a device like to pods or even a little love habitat that any two people can use both place a mossm down to breed with other players,
for example the first mossm that enters said device, would be the one to receive the baby and then they could rotate and allow the other to enter first.
on the website on the breeding tab there may be an option "Group Breed" or something like that and it would scan and see which of your mossm's is in a Said device and if it is init'll show if you are the breeder to receive the baby or just for umm stud services lol
but this is just an idea, i think it would be a safer alternative to whats in place now to hold breeding parties :D
once again if something like this has already been brought up i do apologizes
thanks for reading

July 2, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

To give and to get trust, that's the best I think :)

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