Movement rights

Aug. 6, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

What i have observed is , when other people are around the babies go to them and ask to pick them up , people leave and the babies stay there , don't return to environment set by owners , this should be restricted to owners only , they should ask only owners for picking up. if the owner is offline and they stand at one place doing nothing , the owner looses the points , would be happy if some thing is done for it . ty

Aug. 6, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

If you consider that having the Mossms come to greet you is likely the thing that endeared you to Mossms to begin with it will make sense why we don't want to do this. Instead we'd rather come up with a solution that makes them return to to their last environment.

In the interim maybe you could build a path back to your environments with some small planters so they don't get stuck.

Aug. 6, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

I think that the issue is mostly at Markets. I have to go find my mossms too sometimes as they end up far away standing still since the followed costumers. Building a path back to the stall is not really an option there so I understand Soul's issue. Not sure if there is a solution to it though..

Aug. 7, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

We're working on some environments that can be used in market stalls that will address this issue but that will only solve it for market stalls. We'll need another solution for regular environments.

Aug. 7, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

I rent out areas and this happens but not much I can do about it .
Mossm Love you and will always want to visit.
Mine go to neighbors place and hang out LOL.
what I try to do is make the customer not be near and when they are a environment to lure them back is best way.
In other words I have mossm all over and environments

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