Tracking mossms sales
I dont really like this idea, it would be okay for me without the names of the mossms breeders. If you see, which mossm is sold for how much money, this would help with the pricing of mossms.
But please without names, Privacy is really necessary for me. :)
I dont think its a good idea. All breedables on start worth a value but as the time goes by it goes down, I didnt see any breedable what is able to change it, More ppls get teh same kind and the prize goes down even.
If you show a mossm today for 600 and some other get the same to sell,this will be setted it by 550, the next by 500.. it goes till its by 100 or 50. And so that first person, who set by 600 that first , if didnt sell right when it was set, will keep that one mossm forever or have to set it very very cheap.
How more you show off the price, worst it will be. PPls want to sell,and they dont mind to 'lose' 50L if it make them sell, but 50 to first seller, mean 100 do second, 150 to 3rd etc...
I honestly dont think either show the seller either the price is a good idea.
Actually if a mossm is sold by 600L today and it keep in any list, in more a month ppls will say that one seller it greedy, becasue the same mossm after that time, wont worth anything as that.
The best would set the mossm with the stats and dna, all characteristics.. and the lm. who wish see it goes to that LM and check the seller and price, if they wish. It would save the markert, at least a bit form too hard concurrence.
I personally would never sell any breedable I spent months/years breeding for such cheap prices. I also personally think if person wants to sell and wants to know the price to set they should shop the markets and see what the pricing is at the time.. and than decide what they think is the right price for the work they have done on that mossm. So I don't like the website pricing idea either.
Hi all, thanks for the idea and the follow up responses.
We're not going to do this. I won't get in to our philosophical stance on the topic because the technical answer covers it well enough. We don't currently have a facility for tracking player to player transactions (ie. right now we have no idea how much you sell your Mossms for) and we'd rather spend our development hours on other more fun and engaging things.
As always, we love ideas and hope that the fact that we won't do this particular one won't discourage you from suggesting other things that come to mind. Sometimes we implement your ideas!
Nov. 6, 2014
10 years, 3 months ago
Hey all,
I was thinking about how the market has depreciated in value the last few months. I was poking around other breedable sites and I came across this:
I think it might be useful if the mossms crew set up something like this so people can see what people are buying and for how much so the market might stay more consistent?