Hi Thommes!
We've had this idea on our wish list for a while. We just haven't gotten to it. Maybe after the holidays! In the mean time, most folks use small planters to accomplish this. Give it a try.
surely i do hope my Mossms have all a green thumb ^^ lol....was just a thought... and good to know your whislist is similar with mine .. giggles.. ;)
well if you did the Halloween run you should have street lamps.
put a pumpkin patch in the flowers and a few candles along way, a bale of hay in garden. Use the Large planters and shrink some flowers to fit inside, it looks as if they are gardening
we got a lot of cool stuff to use in that Hunt.
use the SLK environments like sun lounges for benches or stuff a long bar into a object and hide it.
yeah i have seen this... but unfortunately i started with Mossms after the Halloween run...my fault ^^
ty for your reply, will get the Mossms happy i guess ;)
Excellent idea. I do space some environments and use say the fish tank to link the babies to the adult side. Or as in mossm park on Illuminati they are in a circular area with things spaced around so they are constantly moving. Xmas wish....A short nap for my mossms. lol.
Nov. 26, 2014
10 years, 2 months ago
maybe it's possible to get some kind of "bridge items" ... as for example, benches, stones or rocks, flower bushes, street-lamps, to connect the individual habitats if they are more than 10metres apart,
so the Mossms could stroll along the boulevard ;)