Question about Fabulosity
But I have a suggestion too :)
I noticed that the blossm farm is the only enviroment, that gives bonus ressources. It would be awesome if there where more enviroments like this and please with lower land impact than the blossm farm :) or maybe something like a booster item, that boosts enviroments that are close to the booster. (maybe 10%, not to much)
second suggestion:
see the planets on the breeding page and when you go with the mouse over a mossm on the breeding page showing the traits would be nice :)
Hi Kessi,
Using the power up introduces it to your bloodline. So long as one of the relevant ancestors posses the tail you can continue to pass it when you breed on Fabulosity. You have limited breeding with a single Mossm so you may need to get creative to breed it (like +oomf power ups).
More environments with bonus resources is a good idea. Right now we're focused on building some new game play but maybe we can revisit this idea later.
For the planet suggestion...I think I understand but just to clarify; you want a tool tip on the breeding page that tells you what traits are available on a given planet when you hover over it. Is that right?
oh my would this help me out as well. i always have to go back out to double check what planet has what tail or eye on it. and it would help a great deal if it was on the breed page. i thought it was only me with a bad memory of what planet gives what on it. btw this is the best support group in the whole of sl. and thanks for taking all our suggestions and replying to them with real concern and thoughts on how to help us enjoy our mossms more.
total mossm junkie Z.
hey Asymmetrical, thank you for answering my question :)
hmm sorry, my english is not the best, I mean it would be helpfull to see the planets on the list, like oomf, you can sort by oomf and it would be nice if I could sort the mossms by planets. And the other thing with the traits, that you can see what traits the parents you choose have, tail, ears, eyes....
I always have to open so many tabs in my browser and it is very confusing :D this would be very helpfull for alot of players I think. :))
oh, I understand. More sorting options by traits. And, Ziza likes that other idea that I just made up... noted!
We'll put both of these on our list of features to consider next time we do planning.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Dec. 1, 2014
10 years, 2 months ago
Hello everybody :)
Yesterday I finished all achievements in sector 1 and I got an underbrush tail powerup from it. Does that mean, that I can breed only once on fabulosity or is the tail unlocked now and I will always have a chance to get that tail from fabulosity? I am a little bit confused now, I hope someone can tell me.
thank you,
EDIT: oops posted in the wrong forum I am really sorry!