Mossms joining us in our entertainments
We get so many great ideas and we can't possibly do them all so we gather them up and review them during planning sessions and pick as many as we can.
We'll add this one to the list of things to consider.
Btw, sounds like a fun way to spend the day!
Feb. 14, 2015
10 years ago
Ok I know this is gonna sound silly. But two things that we do alot of around our sl home is play greedy and just laze on the water floating and ... uhm.. enjoying each other on life rings and rafts. And it seems the kids (what my better half refers to the mossms as) want to join in. They are always climbing on the greedy table or even into the chairs. And they try to walk on water to join us on the rafts. lol Would it be possible to give them a rubber raft or floaty ring so they could swirl around with us and maybe a scalled down greedy table of thier own (or just a games table of some type)