website idea
very nice idea yes
On the site it would be nice to add: The birth of baby mossm twins . It would be very funny!
Oh Avatars 3d I remember once in the beginning there was a hiccup in delivery of a starter baby I bought, 1 baby just didn't want to be in the world. A replacement was sent and when I rezzed the replacement the 1st one that was giving me grief changed it's mind and finally rezzed. Twins was my first thought, so cute.
How about a Hydra Headed Mossm with two or three heads
Oh Hydra Mossms sweet, Get real Dawgg! Mutants are more fun :P
Great idea! I didn't see this when i posted my suggestion :D
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March 10, 2016
8 years, 11 months ago
nusgezt, possibly! We've considered doing that but haven't researched it fully yet.