Mossms Flea Market Hunt
I thought so :P I didn't tell Leigh, HeHeHe, she found out when she logged in.
MFM HUNT GLUE >>> In a dark place bathed in light. :P
I was not mean enough to hide it outside of the market area (this time), the market is 2 floors :)
And it is the size of a SL sized Credit Card.
LOL, they send me info telling me where an avatar is on the sim, like a visitor list script just a little more complex.
Card found by >>>>> NightRider Rau, Congrats on being the new Overlord of Barton.
New hunt/game will be announced soon :)
TY to all those that spent their time running around silly looking for it :P
Ok I gotta know where was it I felt like I check every inch lol and yes I WAS looking silly :) Thank you Altered that was fun!
lol Kamicia and TY too,
It was at the top of the stairs leading to my Mossms, in a crack in the brickwork just sticking out and bathed in light :P
Jan. 24, 2014
11 years ago
Found by NightRider Rau
The hunt is on :P starting today and going until Barton is in the hands of his new Overlord. Good Luck all and enjoy.
The winner will be posted here.
Be warned, I will not make this easy, the card you are looking for will fit in the pocket of your jeans, so eyes open wide :p