OH NO! a SOS from a Mothership @ MFM

Feb. 6, 2014
11 years ago

Just so you guys know, there is a mothership hovering above Earth, above the MFM, a SOS was received this morning by Leigh and I and they say Earths atmosphere, mainly the ionization levels are too high and their Robot Mossms are falling to bits, airlocks are failing and it might start raining Mossm Robot bits real soon. Our job when this happens is to collect all the bits that land on Earth and they will reward you with a Mossm. Estimated time of Operation Robot Recovery :P, Monday-Tuesday next week.

Feb. 6, 2014
11 years ago

Brilliant ^^

Feb. 11, 2014
11 years ago

This hunt will be happening. Sorry for the delay, RL has taken over, I have been called out to work and leigh isn;t all that well atm, BUT IT IS HAPPENING!!!

TC all
Altered and Leigh

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