Ice: Mossms

Female Highland Pootyplap
Str 12
Dex 12
Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
9 years, 5 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12

Pet Bear
Male Hoppy Artist Polar Bear(Born To Be Fluffy, Anaconda Pride)

Str 12.89
Dex 9.30
Int 11.56
Dis 10.17 | Cre 11.61 | Mox 12.14
9 years, 5 months
Dis 10.17 | Cre 11.61 | Mox 12.14

Pet Edan
Male Spinning Seducer Cornographer(Persis, Brother 2)

Str 22.90
Dex 12.58
Int 12.81
Dis 11.12 | Cre 11.57 | Mox 11.38
7 years, 9 months
Dis 11.12 | Cre 11.57 | Mox 11.38