Mossm Artemis


Male Amaryllis Pootyplap

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
8 years, 9 months
Mossm JL Casper

JL Casper

Male Shadowpuddle Twinklebottom Poof Shapeshiftadon
(Jeanna, Moaglie)
Str 11.18 | Dex 12.18 | Int 10.84
Dis 12.43 | Cre 11.99 | Mox 11.43
9 years, 1 month
Mossm JL Hash

JL Hash

Male Penguin Overlord
(Milicent, Mile)
Str 34.63 | Dex 13.43 | Int 13.31
Dis 10.78 | Cre 12.16 | Mox 11.52
8 years, 3 months
Mossm Jl Ted

Jl Ted

Male Lord Peabody's Gentlemanly Fisticuffs du Frère
(o°•HoneyRings•°o, o°•Spared O Death•°o)
Str 13.30 | Dex 12.37 | Int 12.36
Dis 10.16 | Cre 14.57 | Mox 11.16
8 years, 1 month
Mossm jl Vinie

jl Vinie

Female Lady Thruston's Exquisite Doubloons de la Mère
(Heddi, Den)
Str 13.26 | Dex 11.45 | Int 11.61
Dis 12.42 | Cre 11.84 | Mox 11.36
8 years


Female Strawberry Smoothie
(Dale, Obadias)
Str 12.14 | Dex 10.31 | Int 12.61
Dis 11.59 | Cre 12.76 | Mox 11.99
8 years, 1 month
Mossm Valry


Female Highland Pootyplap

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
8 years, 9 months
Mossm ✠ Unq-3-a-F ✠

✠ Unq-3-a-F ✠

Female Provost Ghost of the Glittery Coast Command Post
(Mamie, JL Rusk big balls)
Str 22.96 | Dex 12.89 | Int 11.81
Dis 11.61 | Cre 11.27 | Mox 10.70
8 years, 4 months