How to offer stud service Suggestion
Oh so like i go to you mossms or the link you post, click on the mossm and there would be options for
just me or would anyone see it or
would there be a special link?
Interesting idea, I know there is a lot of people wanting to find a way to breed with others with out transfering there pride and joy to some one they might not really know.
to me if i wanted to share ommf with you i would go to my mossm and click it and then put in your name and the ammount of ommf to use and in the make baby section could be a part that says shared ommf and you would see that mossm there and how much ommf you could use from it the resources of course would come from the one breeding it that is in my eyes tho
Proposal Richie was discussing with me:
- Player can go to the website, select a mossm, and enter a player name, and let the selected player breed with that mossm *one time*. The selected mossm shows as an option on their breeding screen.
The discussion continues:
[14:05] Progenitor: So your proposal is:
[14:05] Progenitor: I can lend my mossm to you, and you can then breed with it once
[14:06] Richie Carami: yes
[14:06] Progenitor: you pay for the breeding, you keep the offspring
[14:06] Richie Carami: correct
[14:06] Progenitor: And then it's up to the players to decide externally when and why they do this
[14:06] Richie Carami: yesh
[14:06] Progenitor: And if there's an agreenment that we both are going to mate once each with each other's parents
[14:06] Progenitor: it's up to us to trust each other to both do that
[14:06] Richie Carami: yes
[14:06] Progenitor: the computer does not enforce it
[14:06] Richie Carami: correct
[14:07] Progenitor: if one of us doesn't follow through
[14:07] Progenitor: at least we didn't lose a mossm
[14:07] Progenitor: we only lost one oomf on our prise mossm.
[14:07] Progenitor: prize*
[14:07] Richie Carami: the way it is done with other breedables is simular in a way but they pay upfront for studding and have to wait days or weeks so just like that you have to be willing to trust but your giving them a way to do it
[14:08] Progenitor: I'm giving them a way to do it now ;)
[14:08] Progenitor: You're saying a way to trust to follow the deal without risking the mossm ;)
[14:08] Richie Carami: yesh
[14:08] Richie Carami: that is what i mean
[14:08] Richie Carami: sorry
[14:08] Richie Carami: lol
[14:08] Progenitor: ok. I think that sounds easy and good
[14:08] Progenitor: It's super easy to implement
[14:08] Progenitor: I'm actually hesitant to implement it though
[14:09] Progenitor: because the way it is now rewards people who work together and trust each other
[14:09] Progenitor: over lone wolfs
[14:09] Progenitor: But I still may do it anyway
[14:09] Richie Carami: that i will agree with
[14:09] Progenitor: Can I post this chat transcript on the forum for others to comment on?
[14:10] Richie Carami: yesh
i personally love Richies idea we all have our mossms working and it would save us having to find where the mossm is so we can pick it up and transfer it for the person to use then wait to get the mossm back and put it back where it was.
My two cents.... Stud service is one thing and breeding mossms with friends is something different. Maybe this is the wrong thread but I would rather just breed mossms with my trusted friends and for that no special scripts are needed, just something called trust. If you don't trust your friends with your mossms, my guess is better friends are needed.
Or if you wanted to go the script route, maybe just implement a button that says "breed with", then you choose a mossom from anyone within a certain range of your mossms, both parties ok it.( No exchanging mossoms would be needed).Then the mossoms are whisked off to a planet that both parties agree on to breed, and the baby belongs to the owner who has the female mossom( or father for that matter). Granted all of the above is just said with the acknowledgement that I do not know the first thing about scripting.
Morducai and his mossms.
Sounds like a good idea to me .. a nice little drop down on oomph for breedings gifted and an option box to add the name .. obviously if I'm following this right the name added would be the one who would receive the baby (using their resources) .. The thing I really love about this though is SL is very unreliable. I'd HATE someone to trust me with their prized baby and SL to eat it .. I don't care how good your reputation is, your honesty would be doubted even if for only a split second lol this way there would be no passing .. yep I like it Richie :)
The trust system involves developing friendships and trust. That might involve a lot of hard work to develop those friendships. People not willing to put that work in-- or just take a gamble-- wouldn't reap the same rewards as those who do.
I'm not actually trying to dodge work here, I'm just pointing out that if I do these changes, I'll be zapping a little bit of gameplay, putting systems in place that remove an aspect of needing to work together on a more, er, intimate level.
Maybe then add a fee. Add something that makes this an option but not THE option.
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May 17, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago
click on the mossm on the website
click share ommf
put in the persons sl name and total number of ommf to share with the person
the mossm will show up only in there breeding area under shared
if the mossm is transfered to another avi it clears the shared out