More Advertising of Mossms
We do advertise but we aren't advertising experts. We employ affiliates (free of charge) who are supposed to help with that as well. Perhaps between all of us we can spread the word.
Every week we hand out dozens of new player welcome cards so people are in fact finding us. If new players aren't making it to your markets then somehow we're failing to make them aware of the secondary market.
Feel free to toss out ideas of how to engage new players in the secondary market.
For example there is nothing at the CYCLONIUM Sim that mentions the Events page, or Market page on the website. Which is where people can see the auctions for the day. Which then leads to people getting to know us breeders and our shops.
As for the numbers, The Mossms Community group has 1423 members. The new Stray Cats Breedable has 471 members, almost a third of the current mossms community members and they have not even fully launched yet. Kittycats breedable group has over 12000 members.
The traffic alone at Cyclonium is 10...yupp only 10.
I don't know what variables cause these numbers such as Food to mossm ratio, etc...
These are just numbers gathered based on a little research. I would hate to see something as cool as mossms fade away.
Signs for those things are a great idea. We'll get some made.
I think our traffic numbers at Cyclonium are low because most purchases are being made from affiliate locations. There is no major reason to come to our sim. Your markets should have way more traffic than our sim anyway. I'd like to point out something that everyone should know by now... traffic doesn't matter anymore. Search is no longer ranked by traffic, that was changed many years ago.
Regarding group size; you were not with us in beta and early release so you'd have no way of knowing that we had more numbers in our group at that time than Stray Cats does right now. They have as much of an uphill battle ahead of them as we have had - possibly even more since they are following the same old tired breeding model. Growing a group, keeping people engaged, reaching people in SL that aren't looking for a new breedable or looking for a breedable at all is HARD stuff but we'll keep trying. Comparing us to KittyCats is ludicrous and I won't even talk about that.
We've done a number of things to get our name out there and we agree, we could and should do more and we will. We have admittedly gotten more quiet than usual while we work so very hard to get the gator wrestling done. We have marketing materials in the works for that too.
We're game designers, not marketers. When we tell people that some people often tell us in response that marketing and advertising is what they do and want to charge us for it. To those people we say, let us give you an affiliate kit. If you're as good as you say you'll make more money off the 5% commission than you would from a salary. If you're great at it we'll discuss a commission increase. This still holds true for any affiliate and I'll be revamping the affiliate program to make it a little more exciting for those of you that have markets and businesses.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not shirking our responsibility here and I agree fully that we need to do more and we'll work on it but our affiliates have some responsibility too, otherwise they have no business taking a percentage, even if it is small.
A couple other ideas that everyone can do to help us out... like us on Facebook and get your friends to like us on Facebook.
Share your screenshots on flicker and add them to the second life group not just the Mossms group.
Put your love for Mossms in your profile, loud and proud, with a slurl to where anyone viewing your profile can check them out.
Wear your Mossms everywhere you go!
Im using kitty cats as an example i know they are different however why does my ability to breed two mossms consist of having "X" number of mossms alive and healthy.. im talking about the amount of resources required to breed. Also why are we "the customers" being put in the position of having to choose whether to breed or use those resources for environments. A lot of people are having to rent stalls and environments from others just to be able to breed. BREEDING is what we are talking about. it will cost much more in way of food to breed two mossms than it will to breed to of any other breedable. because to breed these two mossms, you need "X" number of other mossm just to gain those resources.
As for affiliates having responsibility, if not for the affiliates having done what we've done, would we even be here to have this discussion? The affiliates are constantly promoting Auctions, Raffles etc. Doing all we can.
There are flaws and growing pains as with anything new in any market, virtual or real. The issue comes to appeal. Mossms are not as appealing as other breedables due to the resources required to breed, the resources required to get environments, to then get more resources to breed. Its a somewhat vicious cycle.
I am seeing more and more of my friends offering to give me their mossms because it is just "too much" to maintain mossms required to breed.
So what is this, a breedable or a game?
I only bring these issues up because as of TODAY, there are more and more people approaching me with their frustrations and i would love to see this be super successful. My being around during Beta is irrelevant, as of today the numbers dont lie. I am not doing this to attack mossms in any way, im doing this to bring awareness to issues that have been brought to my attention by people leaving Mossms for other breedables such as KITTYCATS and STRAY CATS and even FISH, so though you may not want to discuss those breedables, they are taking your breeders away. because they are more cost effective and thats what drives the appeal.
Kittycats.. stray cats.. that I've not even seen.. or fish....... are not at all same or comparible in any way... I could write a book reply but really don't feel like it at the moment. Mossms are most awesome and unique. Sadly for most markets I'm not a often buyer.. but occasionally I do.. and I know where to find the markets when I want them.
Regarding affiliates, I understand that many of you are working it really hard and we appreciate that very much but as I said, I'm planning to revamp the program in a way that will reward the best performers. I was not suggesting that you weren't doing your part.
Regarding Mossms as a whole - I am going to be very blunt here. Please don't take this as being rude or mean or angry because it is none of those things. I just want to be very clear about what we are and what our intentions are.
We're a game. We've always been a game. We've always promoted and advertised ourselves as a game and if you listen to our Q&As we've always mentioned that we are game first and a breedable second. To sum this paragraph up, Mossms is a game.
Our game is designed to appeal to people who like games, breeding games in particular. If people come here expecting to park stationary creatures in one spot near the food bowl and wait a few days until they poop babies on the lawn they are going to be disappointed - and they should be. That is not what we do and there are plenty of options for fulfilling that entertainment dream in SL.
Our dream was to make a game in which players had to work and in exchange for the work they would receive rewards. If this model doesn't appeal to some people then we'll just need to find more people that it does appeal to. We made the mistake of trying to radically change the system to appeal to breedable fans before and it was a very difficult time for us. It was a very hard lesson in what not to do. We won't make that mistake again.
I am sorry to hear that your breeder friends aren't loving Mossms. I look at Mossms and watch all the things they do and wonder how anyone could fail to see the magic but I digress... We're not for everyone and I won't pretend that we are or be disappointed by that. Surely the 1400+ in group right now are not the only people who like games in SL. I do agree, still, that we should be doing more in the marketing department and we will but we have no plans whatsoever to change the game into just another breedable. I'm certain we can exist in this space as a game and attract people who enjoy games.
I don't mean to make light of your concerns. I've read what you said and am taking it into consideration. But I'd like to point something out with regard to your assertion that people are leaving mossms and going to other breedables. This will always happen. People will come and go, and they always will. People in the breedable community are quite fickle, and they will always come and go.
This isn't really a reflection on us, necessarily. I don't really expect for Mossms to be the first, last, or only entertainment for anyone. People leave the greatest games ever made for all kinds of reasons, all the time. And I'm not saying Mossms is the greatest game of all time. I'm just saying that people leaving is no great cause for concern. It's a game; it happens.
And while Mossms isn't a lot of people's last breedable ever, it's fair to point out that for quite a lot of people, it's their *first* breedable ever. Many people have told us that they're not into breedables in general, but Mossms has made them happy in ways they can't explain, and they just love them, even though they're not into "breedables" in general.
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Sept. 16, 2014
10 years, 5 months ago
Please do more to get the word out about this awesome breedable. The secondary market seems to be the same people all the time. Could use some new blood. Everywhere i go people have never heard of them.