April 15, 2014 is the one year anniversary of Mossms. To celebrate we are hosting the first ever Parade of Mossm Homes.

The Parade of Mossms Homes is a week long event where players and non-players alike will get an opportunity to tour some of our user's amazing Mossm homes, complete a Mossms quest, and win some fantastic new and unique environments.

The Parade of Mossms Homes will begin at 12pm SLT on April 13, 2014 and will end at 12am SLT (midnight) on April 19, 2014. Anyone can participate in the tour and the quest at any time during the event but participants will only be able to complete the quest once.

We need your help!

This event was inspired by the amazing things you, our players, have done with your Mossm homes and we'd love for you to show them off during this event! The participation requirements are minimal.

  • You'll need some Mossms on display, preferably in a creative and fun way
  • You'll need to have enough prims to rez a small item we'll provide (5 or less land impact)
  • You'll need to allow visitors to your location and turn off forced teleporting for the week
  • That's it

You do not need an entire sim or a huge display of Mossms.

If you'd like for your Mossm home to be included in the event please contact me, Asymmetrical, by IM no later than April 8. If I happen to be offline when you message, please leave a detailed message anyway. I do get my IMs in email and will respond!