Happy New Year Mossm Fans!
2015 is upon us and it's going fast. Can you believe it's almost February? January was a very busy time for Team Mossms. We spent the first few weeks of 2015 analyzing what we’ve been working on, what we’ve promised to deliver, what you, the Mossm fans, have asked for and we also took a hard look at things that just don’t seem to be working. It took a while to sort through all of that but it was worth it! We now have an excellent plan for making 2015 an even better year than last year and we’re going to kick it all off by mixing things up a little!
On Tuesday February 3 we will be retiring the panda blend forever. This means that we will be removing the panda blend from Mossmopolis and replacing it with a new blend. Once this change takes effect you will still be able to pass the panda on any planet, just as you can now, but the chance to pass will be more difficult and if you don’t already have panda in your blood lines you will have to get it from another player.
We’re also adding two new unique mossms to the line up. These uniques will be obtainable on Apollonia.
No, we won't tell you in advance what the new blend or uniques are, you'll have to discover that through breeding.
Please stay tuned to the blog and to community group notices. We have lots of wonderful things planned for this year that you won’t want to miss. We’re expecting frequent release cycles and lots of events and can’t wait to share it all with you.
Thanks for an amazing 2014. We wish you happy panda hunting in 2015!