
July 2, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

1. On the forum, there needs to be a specific section for suggestion, It's really kinda difficult to muddle through all of the suggestions.
2. For the mossms, i'm not sure if this has been already discussed but maybe do like the elements, (ie. Earth Wind Fire Water) and then a spin off of those but i wonder if this would conflict with the krafties since they have already gone that route.
3. Perhaps some attachables, like hats, jewelry, or some little decorative which will increase the oomfs ?

July 2, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

It hadn't occurred to me that suggestions would be useful to you all. We see them and acknowledge them and add them to our list of things to consider when planning.

That said, I'll be happy to start a new suggestions forum but I probably won't move the old threads over.

Thanks for the ideas!

July 2, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

OK, I changed my mind. New forum is here and I'll be slowly moving old suggestion threads over. Thanks for the idea.

July 3, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

What about a small obstacle course for the baby mossms and a bit bigger obstacle course Zips..

July 3, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

perhaps in the future, do special mossms... like for example holloween mossm that puts out ghost particles, christmas one that is like a christmas tree green with particles colorful particles, or a candy cane striped one with candy cane particles, or one that is an ice mossm with icicles particles?

Lyssa Faerydae
July 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

Zodiac Mossms! Could start in January and do LE's during the year.

July 5, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

Fun suggestions you two!

We have done things for holidays this year and will continue to do so. So far we've done Amore particles for Valentines, chocolate covered Mossms with mocha eyes for Easter, and a unique Mossm with clover particles for st. Patrick's day.

Alexandra Twitchy
July 6, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

Fishing for mossms and a little boat that would be awesome

July 6, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

how about mulitple births. make it a special or something.

July 9, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

What about demon, angel wings, and wings of a butterfly from the different worlds. perhaps dragon wings,
mossm with insect traits.. such as spid... sp...spiders shutters.
or the seven deadly sins.
what about dwarf mossms (like pixie mossms or mini mossms)

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