What is TEQ Infusion?

Better Living through Chemistry

TEQ Infusion puts the power of science and medicine to work for your Mossm, making her capable of enduring the rigors of higher level training. The rigors of Mossm Racing training puts a lot of strain on a Mossm. To continue training into level 10 and beyond, a Mossm needs TEQ Infusion, which are powerups the use science and chemistry to increase the capabilities of your Mossm.

You need TEQ Infusion to level Mossm Racing beyond level 9.

How to do TEQ Infusion

1. Get. 2. Squirt. 3. Ride.

You can get TEQ Infusion powerups in our store. Once you have a TEQ Infusion powerup, you apply it to a Mossm by going to the Mossm's page. There will be a button to apply the powerup in the top right, below the Mossm Racing information, as in the sample below: